Shopping List

Organic food shopping list - Part of healthy living.

Shopping list 

To help you buy the most healthy foods and mostly supporting local farms to make sure you budget and plan wholesome meals for you and your family.  

Keep to buying in season, grass fed, organic, non GM, & the least processed 
to maintain a healthy & balanced diet.

People are more receptive to creative ideas than ever. Build and invest in your food production and local food systems NOW!


Instead of buying, why not grow your own?

Start with a simple herb garden or salad garden. 

Learn to make your own butter, ghee, stock and kombucha.

Start a Co-op and bulk buy with friends to save £££'s

Make do and mend. Exchange ideas, skills, recipes, and products in your community.

Try and buy products in recycled packaging, reducing the use of tin's and plastics.

Preparation - Make a list of every day items and what you need every 6 months. Buy a little extra each time you go shopping or make an online order. 

Be aware of: Misleading food labels. Just because there is a Fair Trade label on the packaging, does not mean what's inside is 100% sustainable of supporting the famer or the family's who work the land.

Buying direct or from caring independent shops and online shops, who know where it comes from.

Storage of food, provided they're in a sealed bag or container.

Canned food, avoid pork and chicken due to high linoleic acid content. Another option is canned beef, which has long shelf-life and doesn't require a freezer. Look for varieties that use salt as the only preservative. Canned wild Alaskan salmon, mackerel and sardines are also good options. They contain healthy protein and fat while being low in toxic water pollutants and heavy metals. Just make sure they're canned in water, not oil, as you can be guaranteed that it'll be the worst oil possible. This is true even if it claims to be "olive oil." Other nutritious foods with long shelf-life include:

Butter, ghee and coconut oil — These healthy fats are very low in linoleic acid (LA) and are ideal for cooking and remain stable even without refrigeration.

Organic beef broth and/or collagen powder — Beef broth is an ideal source of collagen, but organic grass fed collagen powder will stay fresh longer. Collagen is the most common and abundant of your body's proteins, and is required for bone health, tissue integrity and repair.

The most important Vitamin: Vitamin K2, linked to the benefits of Vitamin D


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