Cultures Of The World


"Only the indigenous were fully connected until the Western world got there"

Cultures of the world:

Preserving Our Culture. "The Traditional Way"

Since the beginning, stories have been passed down from generation to generation. We share these cultures with you... Hoping it will preserve these cultures, and  encourage you to learn the traditional ways…

The oldest and longest cultures lived in the most remote parts of the world. These cultures not only survived, they flourished and were strong in spirit. 

It is important to know your history… the real history. It has to be correct. History is identity. We have a responsibility to know it. And share it. To understand where you come from, why you are here and where you are going.

Their idea of success and wealth is family, culture, tradition, singing and dancing.

I do know that the natives understood to protect the land and only take what they needed. It's their turn to show us how to live.

Why I care about the different indigenous peoples from around the world.

…They are deeply connected to nature, their cultures understand how to look after our planet for the next generations - The essence of life.

We are all related and connected to each other, but are we truly living? These people live a simple life and can teach us so much about our world. Without them, there is no human life on earth, just zombies following what the TV and society tell them. We soon realise that nobody cares who these native cultures are, everybody is so caught up in their own ideas about themselves and if it does not affect them, then why worry. Until the long-term consequences play out, then we are all nothing more than a number and not a being. Each and everyone of us, can truly love life, by living the moment and not the fake version of the world presented on the TV and in social media, that only makes matters worse...

The only problem is we think there are problems, all created from society telling us what to do. Believing this is how you are supposed to live and thinking you will be happy.

My whole purpose of this website is to unite people and not divide people. We can share ideas and information to unify people in a direction forward to benefit humanity, instead of creating more division.

Live as a simple being or you will never be satisfied...

A short story for the introduction.

UBUNTU!!! An anthropologist showed a game to the children of an African tribe. He placed a basket of delicious fruits near a tree trunk and told them: The first child to reach the tree will get the basket. When he gave them the start signal, he was surprised that they were walking together, holding hands until they reached the tree and shared the fruit! When he asked them why you did that when every one of you could get the basket only for him! They answered with astonishment: Ubuntu "That is, how can one of us be happy while the rest are miserable?" Ubuntu in their civilization means, I am because we are. 


Loyalty and success or failure as a group becomes more important than the goals or possibilities of any one individual. 


We have much to learn from our native peoples around the world. Their truth shines a new way forward from the greed, manipulation and control that has become western society. Together we dream a new world into BEing.

We are all connected.

The native people you meet when travelling the world are incredible, they are poor with little money, but rich in life. You notice they have time to make you feel welcome, spontaneous smiles, strong to get on with life, not lazy, cook the best food, happy with what they have and don't want to profit from you.

Globalisation loses the connection of the people, villages, towns and cities of each country. While we can focus on new things, if we don't know who we are and where we come from, how can we possibly know where we are going, or at least to be on the right path.

The tipping point for me was to see a culture that has not been affected by the West, where the people did not have a care in the world, with no poverty, no unemployed, no depression or diabetes (Western diseases), and then to return, only a few years later to see the convenience of the developed world put on them and they were believing a false reality that they could have an abundance for doing very little.

The modern world has made many people completely oblivious to basic spiritual values.

We need to hang on to the traditional knowledge, especially from the indigenous people.

In this traditional knowledge are the instructions for a good life. How to conduct ourselves, respect and recognise our obligations and responsibility to live in peace and in the interest of the next generation pass this knowledge on, that earth is paramount to our life. Do not challenge the law of nature or you will not prevail. Be respectful, appreciate what you have, share what you have and make up your own mind about things ― Oren Lyons. on the Indigenous View of the World.

The truth of the matter; the West is taking from the native people and in return giving them a debt to trap them. Whilst the West is being sold a false reality everything is fine.

The universe works by you putting the effort in, to be able to take out from. And not put the minimum effort in and take maximum out. There are no short-cuts, give before you receive or you will pay in some other way.

"Only the indigenous were fully connected until the Western world got there"

Weston A Price

Who was a Canadian dentist known primarily for his theories on the relationship between nutrition, dental health, and physical health. Who travelled the world over in order to study isolated human groups. Wherever he went, Dr Price found that beautiful straight teeth, freedom from decay, stalwart bodies, resistance to disease and fine characters were typical of native people on their traditional diets, rich in essential food factors. Unlike those on a modern diet who had deformed dental arches resulting in crowded, crooked teeth and unattractive appearance were merely a sign of physical degeneration, resulting from what he had suspected–nutritional deficiencies.

All connected to what they were eating. Europeans were based on meat eating and a dairy culture, before we travelled the world to exploit what others had in abundance, so we could have everything available.

Real food

Because of its ability to connect each and every one of us. It forces us to gather at least once a day and share a moment together around a table, over a drink or at a counter.

Real food is grown, processed slowly and cooked with heart and soul.

The Indigenous peoples are the original stewards of the land. They want to feed their people with traditional food sources.

Reigniting The Ancient Ways:

Only the indigenous were fully connected until the Western world got there.

We can learn from Indigenous Nation Tribes.

Wetiko: the "Virus" of Selfishness According to Indigenous Nations, they called the white man; white man disease 'Greed' the white man is suffering trying to find something. "The love of possessions is a disease. They take from the poor and weak to support the rich who rule."

(The whites are not bad.. We are the first to be manipulated)

Remember lessons from old - The earth provides all of your needs.

Driven from their lands

The Europeans believed they were going to a 'New World'. Also, known as the land of the free. While the history of the Indigenous Nation, now known as Indians/native Americans is mostly told by Hollywood.

Yet, the history of America, is in many ways the history of the indigenous. For they gave the Europeans the skills and knowledge needed to survive.

When Indigenous Nations know it's their time to die, they stop eating, drinking and go sit under a tree. They are left alone to die, animals do the same. In the Western culture, we are left in a bed and put on drugs to die, when there are other ways to look after our elderly. In poor countries I have visited, the elderly integrated into the family. When you are labelling them as elderly, this puts them into a small cage of how they should live and their mind then tells themselves how they should be living, instead they are human beings, like ourselves.

When you arrive at the end of your life, you were here to only know there is nothing more important than nothing.

What can the West do/learn? Reconnecting to the earth. - Without mother nature there is no life.


Living the right way; love of the land, to protect it, and to care for it.

“I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you” - Hawaiian Ho’oponopono Prayer


Would send their young males on walkabout so they may find their strength. Their presence. Their control of the mind. Adopting their own ways and understanding their own spirituality. Totally alone to find Peace and acceptance.

Dreamtime - Is a very big thing for Aboriginal people; From the time of creation, a journey, a way of life, spirituality, passing down stories, looking after & connections with the earth, and so much more.


Lived by 3 simple rules:

  • Be truthful
  • Be loving
  • Work hard

Our true way of living; Being connected to our origins

This has been replaced by a convenient life, that has made us dependent on a system to look after us; believing it is better than what we already have and giving us security to trust in, that controls the economy that takes advantage of the people. We have much more control than we think, but we are choosing the easy way, that comes at a cost to our wellbeing.

“In ancient times people would gather in groups to sing for healing themselves, their community and the world."

Whiteman - The Western World Culture

Indigenous Nations view...

"Steal from one another, hate one another and cheat on one another. Steal one’s wife, car, money and fight with one another, who's land and trespassing. Self inflict; drink alcohol, take drugs that is not a human way.

See a person's heart and understand humans - We are all related.

Encouragement for our children and build their confidence.

150-years ago you could drink from the river, grow your own food and keep chickens… And people communicated and knew who they were… Our parents don’t tell you who you are anymore. 

Imagine in 150-year time how the world will be!"

It wasn't always like that...

How do you view the Western World Culture?

Timely reminder - Our traditions have not been lost

Our traditions have not been lost. The life skills that we once took pride in, to do the everyday essentials, prepping for yourself and family, have slowly been exchanged for consuming mass-produced stuff that was meant to save us time and we are more likely to throw it away than have the time to make do and mend. 

Eating manufactured fake food and chasing money we think will make us happy, that stops us from living our life to the fullest. 

The modern world has made many people completely oblivious to basic spiritual values. Our connection to real life experiences and sharing love, in exchange for being a slave to debt and not being honest with ourselves. We are now at a point where we don't fully understand why we are slowly having less disposable cash, good health, the time available to live, caring less, not enjoying our job, and accepting it as a normal life, when in-fact the opposite is true. 

We can follow our own path and not the world that is trying to influence us further away from our true being. Know our true needs, intentions, and from where our desires originate from and not the person society wants you to be.

There is nothing new under our sun

When we can understand with a different perspective, why experiences in our life are playing out in thoughts of self destruction and greed, with no care for others. Labelling it as modern life, and believing it's a normal way to live. 


In a modern world, we have everything available at our fingertips, so why do we have less time to do what our heart desires and why are we focusing in the opposite direction and not taking the right path? Could it be from all the distractions we think are making us happy? 


There is a growing concern that the modern world is dividing people, who naturally don't want to hurt each other. They are not our enemies like the West puts on them, they are human beings, like ourselves - We can all coexist.


What if there was a different way?

"A convenient life to a meaningful life, one step at a time so you can do more of what you enjoy"


And our wellbeing is our best asset.

Time was created by man. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.

Life in the granny-ring - there is no need to go fast in nature. Live for the moment, or will end up going nowhere fast.

The modern world is taking your time and wellbeing in exchange for a convenient lifestyle that is supposed to be saving you time.

Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back. - Harvey Mackay

Don't resist the urge. Do something better with the limited time we have on this planet.

We are all one

We are not a developing world, third world or the developed world. Giving labels is dividing the people and that's not progress.

Can the Indigenous people/traditional cultures and the modern world come together? Not while one is always giving and one is taking at the expense of someone else and blaming someone/something else for their misfortune.   

We are now at a point in history, where the world is at peak globalisation. And it is about to start flipping back, and return to localisation, independence, creating products of value that deserve to be looked after, and happiness, where we become responsible for our actions and believing everything is possible.

Everyone has an indigenous heart, the only thing you need to do is wake it up and accept it and believe it 

Remember who you are.

Stay wild, true to yourself and keep going, reaching your goals.

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